Essential oils

The essential oils in the hair mask

Essential oils: regulate the production of sebum, thereby improving the condition of the scalp.For different types of hair, it is recommended to use different essential oils. Essential oils for different hair types Oily hair: essential oil of tea tree, bergamot, ginger, cedar, lavender, cypress, lemon, pine, melissa, eucalyptus, cypress, clove, verbena, limitte. Dry hair: essential…

Essential oils: regulate the production of sebum, thereby improving the condition of the scalp.
For different types of hair, it is recommended to use different essential oils.

Essential oils for different hair types

  • Oily hair: essential oil of tea tree, bergamot, ginger, cedar, lavender, cypress, lemon, pine, melissa, eucalyptus, cypress, clove, verbena, limitte.
  • Dry hair: essential oil of sandalwood, chamomile, mandarin, orange, ylang-ylang, rosemary, frankincense, lavender, rosewood, myrrh.
  • Normal hair: lemon, rosemary, lavender, geranium.

Essential oils for the problematic hair

If you are worried about dandruff, brittleness, or hair loss, you can also use various essential oils.

  • Hair loss: essential oil of bay, rosemary, mint, ylang-ylang, coriander, frankincense, verbena, cypress, cedar, mint, rosewood.
  • Split ends essential oil of sandalwood, vetiver, rosewood.
  • Dandruff: yarrow, cedar, tea tree, eucalyptus, lemon, orange, cypress, lavender, rosemary.
  • Gray hair: lemon, sage, coriander.

Base and essential oils are the main ingredients of hair masks, but other additives are also used.
And also by adding certain additives to hair masks, you can get the desired result.

  • Nourish the hair: honey, egg yolk, bread crumb, yogurt, and onion.
  • Accelerates hair growth: mustard and pepper tincture.
  • Add shine: lemon juice, apple cider vinegar, and whiskey.
  • Eliminates dryness of the head, softens, and gives shine to the hair: aloe juice.
  • Thickens and strengthens hair: colorless henna (before use, colorless henna must be poured with boiling water).
  • Against rapidly greasy hair and give shine: lemon juice and an infusion of orange peels.
  • Normalizes the sebaceous glands: clay.
  • Strengthens the hair and acts on the scalp like a mild peeling: sea salt.

For an approximate composition of a hair mask, you will need:
Base oil or several base oils – 3-4 tablespoons (in total)
Essential oil or several essential oils – 4-5 drops (in total)
Additional additives (honey, yolk, cognac) optional – 1 teaspoon

The exact amount of ingredients should be selected individually depending on your hair length. You can also exclude or add some components, depending on what you want to achieve the result. Experiment, because no one knows their hair better than you.
Basic and essential oils can be purchased at a pharmacy, in a specialty store, or on the Internet.

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