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Proper nutrition and hair health

As you know, the health of the human body largely depends on what we eat, the same can be said about the condition of the hair. With proper nutrition and care, you can achieve amazing results and eliminate many different ailments. If the hair is dry: If this is not an external reason for the…

As you know, the health of the human body largely depends on what we eat, the same can be said about the condition of the hair. With proper nutrition and care, you can achieve amazing results and eliminate many different ailments.

If the hair is dry:

If this is not an external reason for the constant use of a hairdryer, hair iron, etc. This may indicate that the body receives an insufficient amount of fat, this is often observed with those who are on diets. If the problem of dryness is not solved in time, over time, the hair may begin to break down. Try to include more walnuts, sunflower seeds, fatty fish (salmon, mackerel) in your diet. Such food will help you cope with dry hair in a fairly short time.

If the hair gets greasy quickly:

This may be the reason for the love of a variety of spicy foods and various spices (curry, chili, etc.), the scalp sweats profusely because of them, which subsequently causes greasy hair. If you encounter such a problem, try to limit yourself from consuming spicy dishes.

If the hair has become thin and weak:

Thinning and weakening of the hair indicate that there is a lack of iron in the body. Increase the intake of iron-rich foods, this will help not only your hair but the whole body as a whole. Beef, buckwheat, as well as green vegetables and apples, are especially rich in iron.

If the hair is too dull:

The shine of the hair is a clear sign of health. If the hair is dull and devoid of shine, this may indicate a lack of protein, and protein is simply necessary for hair. Try to consume at least 75 mg of protein per 1 kg of your weight per day. Protein is found in eggs, legumes, meat, and dairy products.

If the hair grows slowly:

For rapid hair growth, energy is needed regularly entering the body, which will give an impetus to growth. If you want to increase the intake of this energy, eat as often as possible, but in small portions. Choose foods with a high biotin content. These products include all types of legumes, nuts, eggs, dairy products, and fish.

If the hair falls out:

You should know that 100-150 hair loss per day is normal. But if this number is exceeded, it may be a signal of a number of problems. Hair loss may be a consequence of hormonal disorders and diseases such as gynecological problems, diabetes, etc.

Also, hair loss is affected by nutrition, as a rule, not healthy. In such a problem, it is worth giving up semi-cooked products, fast foods, trying to eat regularly, and approaching diets rationally, without fanaticism. Be sure to include in your diet foods rich in protein and fiber, vegetables, cereals, and fruits will be the right choice in this case. Do not forget also that it is good to take vitamins.

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