Peppermint herbal infusion


Peppermint herb for hair is of great benefit for weakened, damaged and excessively oily hair. The properties of the medicinal plant have a strengthening and cleansing effect, and home cosmetology offers dozens of recipes based on peppermint. Conventional shampoos and conditioners do not always help cope with hair problems. Sometimes you need to give your…

Peppermint herb for hair is of great benefit for weakened, damaged and excessively oily hair. The properties of the medicinal plant have a strengthening and cleansing effect, and home cosmetology offers dozens of recipes based on peppermint.

Conventional shampoos and conditioners do not always help cope with hair problems. Sometimes you need to give your hair some extra help.

Peppermint contains a huge amount of vitamins, antioxidants, organic acids and minerals. It is possible and very useful to use infusions based on the plant. With regular rinsing of your hair with mint, your hair is literally transformed in a couple of weeks.

What are the benefits of mint for hair?

Peppermint has a complex effect on weakened hair. We can list several main properties of the medicinal plant:

  • Peppermint effectively cleanses hair and scalp, and also helps regulate the oiliness of the skin and eliminate dandruff.
  • Mint soothes skin irritations and eliminates itching. Therefore, using plant-based products is useful if the scalp is very dry and constantly itchy.
  • Peppermint strengthens hair follicles. With regular use of peppermint infusions and masks, hair roots become healthier and stronger, and hair growth accelerates.
  • Mint substances stimulate subcutaneous blood circulation. Thanks to this, the hair follicles receive more nutrients, and the hair undergo rapid growth – the hairstyle becomes fuller and more voluminous.

Peppermint is a completely universal cosmetic product. It mainly has a cleansing and strengthening effect, but in combination with other components it is suitable for all hair types. You can use mint for thin and dry strands, for oily hair and quickly dirty scalp, for hair loss or too slow growth.

Useful mint recipes for hair

Natural recipes offer several ways to process and prepare peppermint for cosmetic use. You can use not only mint in its pure form for hair care, but also other components that enhance its beneficial effect.


A classic peppermint infusion can be prepared very simply. The recipe looks like this:

  • dry or fresh mint is crushed in the amount of 2 large spoons;
  • the raw material is poured with 250 ml of water and put on fire;
  • boil it for 20 minutes, then cool and filter.

You can rinse your hair with a warm infusion, and also mix mint in equal proportions with a nettle herb infusion, linden, oak leaves or chamomile. Reviews of hair rinses with mint confirm that such combinations are especially useful, since all of the listed herbal infusions strengthen and restore hair.


Another way to prepare peppermint is to make a water infusion from fresh or dried leaves. To do this you need:

  • chop mint leaves in the amount of 2 large spoons;
  • pour 500 ml of fresh boiling water over the raw materials;
  • cover the container with a lid and leave it for 2 hours, then dilute with water or other herbal infusion and rinse your hair.

Peppermint hair rinse also works well with nettle, linden and chamomile extracts. The product should be used after washing your hair with shampoo and rinsing on clean hair.

Peppermint Hair Masks

To prepare masks, you need to take fresh mint leaves – healthy, fleshy, without damage or stains. To prepare the cosmetic mixture, mint leaves must be crushed, the raw materials can be placed in a blender or the mint can be finely chopped with a knife to release the juice abundantly.

Mix mint with many beneficial ingredients. Among them are liquid honey, natural yogurt, egg yolk.

Cosmetic oils are especially popular in making masks with peppermint. Peppermint has a good effect in combination with olive oil, jojoba, coconut, and wheat germ oils; burdock, grape and almond oils have a beneficial effect too.

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