Ice form

Ice helps to keep your skin young

Since ancient times, various means have been invented to postpone old age, alchemists have tried to invent a means of “eternal youth”, scientists have struggled over the secrets of rejuvenating elixirs. And these are just simple ice cubes for the face, and if they are prepared according to certain recipes, they will become real salvation…

Since ancient times, various means have been invented to postpone old age, alchemists have tried to invent a means of “eternal youth”, scientists have struggled over the secrets of rejuvenating elixirs.
And these are just simple ice cubes for the face, and if they are prepared according to certain recipes, they will become real salvation from wrinkles.

How do ice and snow water help to preserve beauty?

* Ice helps to saturate the cells of the body with moisture and tones it up. In contact with skin cells, it improves metabolism due to the strong blood flow to the surface. From the cold, the pores are sharply narrowed, this increases elasticity, and collagen is produced faster.
* At the same moment, the vessels located deep in the epidermis expand. When washing with ice ends, the surface pores expand and the capillaries fill with blood. Such icy “gymnastics” for the pores leads to the fact that the skin on the face and body is rejuvenated, smoothed, acquires a natural blush, becomes less wrinkled.
* Cold supports the skin’s ability to rejuvenate itself, reduces dryness and lethargy of the skin, small defects quickly disappear, the formation of new wrinkles slows down.
This procedure will benefit oily skin. After the narrowing of the sebaceous glands, the secretion of sebaceous glands will decrease, the skin will acquire a matte and healthy appearance. This procedure is also very useful for women with dry skin, who have the first wrinkles.


No matter how useful the procedure is, it is not suitable for everyone. Massage with ice cubes for the face, as a remedy for wrinkles, has certain contraindications:

* For very dry and flaky skin;
* Do not use ice cubes from wrinkles for the area around the eyes when having inflammatory eye diseases;
* With dilated capillaries planted close to the skin surface;
* When have an acute inflammatory process;
* It is unacceptable to use ice from wrinkles for the face with eczema or seborrhoea, with festering wounds;
• It is impossible to carry out such a cosmetic procedure immediately before going outside in winter;
* It is contraindicated for ladies with purulent sinusitis, osteoporosis, atherosclerosis.

Features of the procedure

Before using ice for the face from wrinkles, you first need to familiarize yourself with all the contraindications and recommendations for their implementation. This will help not to suffer from the side effects of cosmetic procedures.
The form for making ice cosmetics should be absolutely clean, herbs without impurities, purified water, filtered. You need to know the characteristics of your skin, you can consult with a cosmetologist, which herbs he will recommend to you for use.
Ice cubes cannot be stored indefinitely, fruit ice is not stored for more than 3-4 days, and herbal is not more than a week. Therefore, in order not to cause harm and get rid of wrinkles on the face and in the area around the eyes, it is necessary to monitor the “expiration date” of the cosmetic product.
Before ice massage, wash your face with warm water with foam, and at the end, apply a cream on your face and remember that it will be possible to expose your face to cold only after 1.5-2 hours.
Some herbs, such as parsley, are strong allergens, so before you start rejuvenation, consult your doctor and make allergy tests.
After using the anti-wrinkle ice, it is necessary to apply a moisturizer for the face and a delicate cream for the area around the eyes.

Massage rules

You can’t mindlessly and haphazardly rub your face with an ice cube – it won’t do any good for your face. To achieve an anti-wrinkle effect, it is necessary to move strictly along massage lines:
* Forehead – start the massage exactly from the center of the forehead to the temples, and then from the nose to the hairline.
* Nose — from the nose, we move the cube to the wings of the nose with very light movements.
* Cheeks – from the nose area, without pulling the skin, we move to the ears.
* Chin – from the middle of the chin to the edges of the lips, and then to the middle of the ears.
* The area around the eyes – along the upper eyelid from the inner corner to the outer, and then along the lower eyelid in the same way.
After the procedure, do not wipe the face, the released liquid should be absorbed naturally.

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