long hair girl

How to wash 3 hair types properly?

Hair Washing Washing is the main care and this seemingly simple area has its own secrets and features. Washing your hair should be done no more than 2-3 times a week, but if your type, or the use of styling products, requires more frequent washing – wash more often. The most important thing to remember…

Hair Washing

Washing is the main care and this seemingly simple area has its own secrets and features.

Washing your hair should be done no more than 2-3 times a week, but if your type, or the use of styling products, requires more frequent washing – wash more often. The most important thing to remember is that you should wash it as it gets dirty.
Before washing, it needs to be combed thoroughly, especially if it is long. Do not forget, to keep an eye on the hygiene of brushes, combs, and curlers, they should also be washed before each wash.

Tap, hard water contains bleach, iron ions, calcium, and many other impurities that negatively affect the hair and scalp. The ideal option would be the use of distilled water, a less expensive option would be boiled, then distilled water. Also, after washing when rinsing, it is useful to use softened water and herbal infusions.

The water should not be either too cold or too hot and remember, the greasier the hair, the cooler the water should be.

Wet your hair with warm water, pour the amount of shampoo you need into the palm of your hand, and lather the shampoo in your hands, adding a little water to it. A single application of shampoo is quite enough.
You should start washing it from the front of the hairline, slowly and gently moving towards the occipital part. Having evenly distributed the foam, gently rub it into the scalp with the pads of your fingers, while trying not to press and scratch the skin with your nails, after which, it itself should only be washed with the resulting foam. Shampoo should not be left on the head for a long time, it can negatively affect the hair and scalp.

Hair Rinsing

The water must be running, so it is better to use a shower, this is the most effective method that allows you to thoroughly rinse it. If you wash it with hard water, then it is recommended to rinse it with an acidic solution. This will help you to free it from the remnants of unfavorable substances contained in tap water, and this procedure will also give it a lively shine and a pleasant smell.

You can rinse it with a vinegar solution, 1-2 teaspoons per liter of water, it is better for blondes to use no more than 1 teaspoon, because vinegar makes light hair darker, for this reason, it is more suitable for brunettes and brown-haired women. If the scalp reacts negatively to vinegar, it is better to use lemon juice, it is also well-suited for blonde girls. Squeeze the juice of half a lemon through cheesecloth into a container with warm water, dilute the mixture in a liter of non-hard water, and rinse your head.

Dark-hair girls with oily hair: it is recommended to rinse it with a strong infusion of black tea, this reduces the greasiness and gives it a shine and a beautiful shade.

For oily type, rinsing with herbal tea – peppermint, oak bark, horsetail, nettle, burdock (2 tablespoons per 1 liter of water) is suitable. For blondes – chamomile, horsetail, hop buds in the same proportions.

Dry type: after rinsing, it must be wrung out, but it must be done very carefully so as not to injure it, then blot the hair with a warm cotton towel that absorbs water well. Try not to leave it in a towel for a long time, unless you use special medicinal products. In order for the hair to dry, it needs air. They can be dried in the fresh air, but you should avoid direct sunlight.

If you use styling products, remember that before going to bed, the products should be removed. Ideally, it’s best to wash it, but if for some reason you can’t do it, then just comb them thoroughly. The only exceptions are those products that are made on a natural basis. 

It is important to remember the fact that it is extremely undesirable to wash it before going to bed, because many in this case go to bed with wet hair, and this can lead to a number of negative consequences.
Because of this, the scalp cools for a long time, and the nutrition deteriorates, which subsequently has an extremely bad effect on its growth.

Also, during the night, from the constant friction of the head against the pillow, the secretion of sebaceous glands is activated, subsequently, it becomes dirty much faster. And the owners of oily type by the middle of the day, it will look greasy and untidy. And the last, unpleasant fact, in the morning the shape of the hairstyle is strongly transformed not to the best look.

Use indelible conditioners and sprays.
Try to dry it naturally as often as possible, without using a hairdryer.
 Do not abuse the frequent and abundant use of various styling products.
 Wearing tight hats and frequent combing, stimulate a strong secretion of sebum on the head, due to which the hair quickly becomes greasy.
When using a ponytail or hairstyle, you should not tighten it too much, because this can lead to hair loss and sometimes even to headaches.
It is advisable to comb with combs made of wood, they are much more favorable for hair than combs with metal.

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