Blond girl

How to speed up hair growth as much as possible?

To increase the speed of hair growth, we need an integrated approach that will stimulate keratogenesis from the inside and outside, while preserving and consolidating the result. 1. Nutrition to accelerate hair growth Long hair requires a balanced diet. This is logical: the longer the hair, the more “bricks” – nutrients – it needs. The…

To increase the speed of hair growth, we need an integrated approach that will stimulate keratogenesis from the inside and outside, while preserving and consolidating the result.

1. Nutrition to accelerate hair growth

Long hair requires a balanced diet. This is logical: the longer the hair, the more “bricks” – nutrients – it needs. The lack of “building materials” leads to the fact that the keratin structure cannot grow to its maximum, moreover, even the overgrown part will have certain flaws. With poor nutrition, the hair is thin, brittle, dull, very weak.
The hair consists of 78% keratin enriched with vitamins and trace elements (1%), 15% of water, and 6% of lipids (fats). Based on this, you can understand what you need to eat so that the curls grow better.
* Keratin, from which the hair is built— is a protein, so there should be enough protein in the diet. It is enough, not a lot — an overabundance of protein food can lead to serious kidney problems. The required portion of protein is a quarter of your plate at each meal.
* Do not give up fats — they are involved in the production of oily secretions that envelop the hair, protecting it from cross-section and dehydration. The lack of fats simply will not allow the hair to grow to the desired length — they will break off and fall out. Therefore, fatty fish, nuts, dairy products should become an indispensable part of your diet.
* Fish and dairy products are not only a source of protein and fats but also calcium. This macronutrient takes an active part in the process of hair growth. To make your hair grow quickly and be beautiful, make a habit of drinking a glass of milk or yogurt before going to bed.
* Hair will not be able to grow quickly if there is little water in the body. Water helps the metabolism in the follicle to proceed normally, i.e. the growth processes will take place safely only in the presence of water. Water also makes curls elastic, strong.
* It is impossible to grow long and beautiful hair if there are not enough vegetables and fruits in the diet. Hair growth and its appearance depend entirely on the balance of vitamins and minerals in the body. Therefore, fill half of your plate with vegetable salad at each meal, and snack twice a day with a couple of fruits.
* Sometimes it is useful to drink a course of pharmacy drugs – vitamin complexes, yeast, fish oil, lecithin. Such supplements make up for errors in the diet, sometimes significantly accelerating hair growth. However, you should not prescribe medications yourself – it is better to consult a trichologist or therapist.

Attention! Hair growth in winter is suspended precisely because of a lack of vitamins. Groups A, B, C, and E are organic substances that accelerate hair growth. It is better to take vitamin complexes in the morning, after eating — so they are better absorbed by the body.

2. Hair growth will accelerate … blood flow

If nutrients are the “building materials” for the hair, then the bloodstream is their main “builder”. The blood flow delivers the necessary elements to the hair follicle, removes decay products from there, contributing to the active work of the bulb.
Those who dream of long curls need to regularly resort to the help of both substances and actions that cause blood flow to the follicles. Actually, this is how some young ladies manage to increase the length of their hair very quickly: that curls grow by 3-4 cm in a month.

* Our head is the highest point of the body. The blood has to overcome gravity to rise up, and various disorders in the work of blood vessels can make the nutrition of the scalp quite scarce. Try inverted poses or just lie down-hang upside down for 1-2 minutes. in the day.
* Use locally irritating masks. Well-known folk remedies are mustard, onion, cinnamon, red pepper, etc. The burning components are mixed with natural oils and applied to the scalp. You should feel how the mask hots the skin, but do not overdo it — if you abuse it, you can get a burn.
• Once a month, do a scalp peeling. With light circular movements, rub the skin with ready-made formulations or salt mixed with some natural oil. Then wash your hair. The procedure will clean the pores, improve the flow of blood and oxygen to the follicles.
* Exercise regularly. Physical exercises improve blood circulation throughout the body, stimulating the smooth functioning of the body, including hair follicles.
• The easiest way to increase blood flow in the scalp is regular combing. Carefully comb your hair in different directions in the morning and evening. First, untangle your hair, and only then start using a massage brush.
* Stimulate additional blood flow to the head with a massage. Gently and rhythmically massage the skin around the forehead and temples with the pads of your fingers, then the rest of the head. You can use various devices: needle applicators, special massagers. Massage 1-2 times a week.
• Together with the head massage, do a neck massage. Computers, smartphones, a sedentary lifestyle – all this provokes scoliosis, osteochondrosis, and other disorders that provoke compression of blood vessels. Activate blood circulation to help your hair.

Attention! Adherents of healthy lifestyle curls grow much faster and look luxurious. After a day full of motor activity, a deep full-fledged sleep certainly comes. In the deep phase of sleep, the cells of our body are intensively restored, which has a positive effect on the work of hair follicles and causes the growth of healthy hair.

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