Curly hair

Hair -how to take care of 6 different types?

OILY Hair It can be washed daily or every other day. Never wash it with hot water, this will only further increase the activity of the sebaceous glands. It is better to use cool water, but not too cold. Choose shampoos with extracts of nettle, sage, horsetail, and seaweed; with proteins and vitamins A, C,…


It can be washed daily or every other day. Never wash it with hot water, this will only further increase the activity of the sebaceous glands. It is better to use cool water, but not too cold. Choose shampoos with extracts of nettle, sage, horsetail, and seaweed; with proteins and vitamins A, C, K, and zinc. Useful procedures such as rubbing aloe juice or sour milk before washing the head, as well as infusions and infusions of herbs and clay masks, have a beneficial effect. 

The clay mask

The clay mask should be applied along the entire length, but the ends of the hair should not be covered, if you feel that the tips are over-dried, you can apply base oil on them, for example, burdock or olive. It is not recommended to do a head massage, often do styling and comb it with a brush.


It should not be washed too often. When washing, use shampoos with extracts of chamomile, mint, lime flower, wheat germ, vitamin B5, and lecithin. Before shampooing, it is recommended to make an express mask (for 15-20 minutes) or rub warm base oil into the hair and scalp, for example, olive, burdock, castor, or almond, you can also use baby cosmetic oil. Then cover your head with a towel for 30 minutes and let the oil soak in. Next, rinse it thoroughly. 

The hairdryer has a particularly bad effect on dry hair, if you dry it with a hairdryer, use a cold mode. Comb it carefully, without rough movements, do not use metal combs, it is better to use wooden ones. Once a week, do a head massage, it improves blood circulation and stimulates its growth, massage can be done in combination with an oil mask, which is even more effective.


This type, most often of those who have long hair, and in the care of such type, two problems must be solved at once – oily scalp and dry tips.
If your tips, in addition to dryness, are also split, think about whether it is worth spending time and effort on their long recovery, it is better to trim them by a few centimeters and then start proper regular care.

The tips of the mixed type need constant hydration and nutrition, in this case, it is recommended to use various oils and to eliminate the greasiness of the scalp, clay masks, and herbal decoctions are very well suited. Ideally, you should wash your hair with two types of shampoos – shampoo for dry hair – along the entire length, and shampoo for oily hair – for the scalp and hair near the roots.


This type is very often of a mixed type, so clay masks for the scalp and oil masks for the ends are also useful for them. Due to the fact that such type is quickly injured and split, they require special care. After a calm, unhurried washing, be sure to apply a balm for the best effect, you can add a couple of drops of essential or base oils to the balm. When you dry it, gently pat it with a towel, but do not rub it, this approach can severely injure it. If possible, it is recommended to dry such hair naturally, without using a hairdryer.


As a rule, this type gets dirty quickly, but at the same time requires gentle washing. Oil masks and colorless henna will help to make it thick, achieving visual thickening. If you dry it with a hairdryer, try to dry it only with the help of cold mode, and be sure to use special means as protection from aggressive influences is necessary.


It does not tolerate hot water, daily washing, and shampoos for dandruff, and for oily hair. The first thing such type needs is hydration, also do not forget to protect them from ultraviolet radiation. Many base oils not only moisturize and nourish but also protect it. For protection, the oil should be used after washing it, and in a minimum amount apply 1-2 drops of oil to the comb and gently comb it.
This type has the same problems as dry and thin hair, so the same rules can be applied.

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