Jojoba oil

Anti-wrinkle jojoba oil for face

Jojoba oil is a truly unique and natural product that can get rid of wrinkles, give youth to the skin of the face, in particular, the area around the eyes. After 3-4 weeks of using this remedy, you can see many positive results. For example: • disappearance of fine mimic wrinkles, smoothing of deep ones;…

Jojoba oil is a truly unique and natural product that can get rid of wrinkles, give youth to the skin of the face, in particular, the area around the eyes.

After 3-4 weeks of using this remedy, you can see many positive results. For example:

• disappearance of fine mimic wrinkles, smoothing of deep ones;

• gaining a healthy complexion;

• reduction in the number of acne and other rashes;

• increased skin elasticity;

• disappearance of redness;

• softness and moisture;

• protection against ultraviolet radiation.

It is not recommended to use jojoba oil in its pure form, but in combination with any ingredients that also have a powerful anti-wrinkle effect for your skin type:

For oily skin: avocado juice, lemon, and cucumber. It would be nice to add a teaspoon of honey to such a mask. Keep it on your skin for 15-20 minutes.

For dry: milk, cottage cheese, and eggs. This mask can be kept on the face for about half an hour.

For combined – various ingredients are suitable, ranging from cosmetic clays to fruits. That is, in this case, the choice of products effective against wrinkles is simply enormous. The application of the mask with jojoba oil on the combination skin of the face should be within 25-35 minutes.

Important! Follow exactly the time which masks must be kept on your face if it’s less or longer- not much benefit for your skin.

Features of use on the face

The use of jojoba oil, aimed at eliminating wrinkles, requires adherence to certain rules:

1) The first step is to wash your face well and dab your face with a dry towel.

2) It is necessary to mix oil with other ingredients right before use.

3) When using the mask, it is better to relax and give your body and face a rest.

5) The product should be washed off from the face with warm running water.

Important! In order to eliminate wrinkles, you can smear your face with pure jojoba oil every day for 3 weeks. But it is no good to use masks from this ingredient with such a frequency (the norm is 2 times a week).

Features of application in the area around the eyes

To smooth out fine expression lines, you should use the product once a day. The most important thing is not to keep it in these areas for more than 15 minutes. This is due to the anatomical features of this area, the skin in these places is very thin and sensitive.

After 2 weeks of using jojoba oil for wrinkles around the eyes, you can see the following results:

• disappearance of fine wrinkles;

• getting rid of dark circles under the eyes;

• giving the skin a healthy look;

• her nutrition and thorough hydration.

Important! To maintain the effect of getting rid of wrinkles around the eyes for a long time, you should repeat the course, while alternating, a month of using jojoba oil with a month of rest.


This remedy has no contraindications, except for individual intolerance. To check for allergies to jojoba oil, an allergy test should be performed. To do this, you need to spread the undiluted mass of jojoba on a small area of ​​any part of your body. If after 15 minutes no allergic manifestations appear, in the form of hyperemia, itching, rashes, then you can safely use the remedy.

Also, in order to avoid side effects, you should avoid using pure jojoba oil if you are:

• pregnant women;

• women who are breastfeeding;

• people with hypersensitivity;

• on the open wounds on the face.

Important! There are two types of oil – essential and cosmetic. The first is unsuitable for use as masks and other cosmetics, as it is too concentrated and there is a high likelihood of getting a burn.

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