Aloe vera

Aloe Vera Face 7 Masks Recipes:

Aloe vera can be successfully used both in its pure form and as a component of a face mask. And it is better if you combine two ways of using the plant: for example, 1 time a week to make a mask from wrinkles, and 2-3 times to wet the problem areas with clean juice….

Aloe vera can be successfully used both in its pure form and as a component of a face mask. And it is better if you combine two ways of using the plant: for example, 1 time a week to make a mask from wrinkles, and 2-3 times to wet the problem areas with clean juice.
Below you can see and try the best recipes for face masks with aloe that works perfectly against wrinkles:

Mask that helps slow down the aging process:

* Aloe gel(1 tsp.)
* Honey (2 tsp.) •
* Base oil – it is worth giving preference to wheat germ oil (1 tbsp.) •
* Salt (1 tsp.) •
* Egg (1 pc.).
Mix all the listed ingredients. The resulting mixture should be evenly applied to the face, not forgetting about the area around the eyes, leave for 15-20 minutes. Then remove the mixture with a cotton pad and rinse with warm water. The final step is the application of a cream with moisturizing ingredients.
This mask has not only an anti-aging, but also a refreshing effect, and also allows you to nourish the deep skin layers. This mask with aloe is effective against deep wrinkles.

Aloe + cottage cheese + honey

* Aloe gel (2 tbsp.);
* Cottage cheese — it is best to take home-made (1 tbsp.);
* Honey (2 tsp. )
The mask should be on the face for 20 minutes. It needs to be washed off with warm water. After this mixture, the skin will look taut and elastic, it will help to cope with fine wrinkles.

Aloe juice + base oil

* Aloe gel (2 tbsp.) •
* Vegetable oil (1 tbsp.).

The mask should be kept on the face for 30 minutes. It is great for age-related skin: it will make it softer, give hydration, and help to keep the skin in good shape.

Aloe + yolk + milk

* Egg yolk (1 pc.) •
* Gruel from the leaves of aloe (2 tbsp. l.) •
* Milk (2 tbsp. l.).

It is necessary to combine all the components. This mask should be kept for 20 minutes. If you have a dry skin type, you can replace milk with yogurt. This recipe is designed for any type of skin with small wrinkles.

Aloe + avocado + vegetable oil

* Smashed aloe leaves (1 tbsp.) •
* Puree made from avocado (1 tbsp.) •
* Oil – it is best to use olive oil (1 tbsp.).

This mask has to be applied to the face for 15-20 minutes. After this time, wash your face with warm water. The olive oil included in the composition is an essential component in the fight against age-related skin changes. It helps nutrients reach deep skin layers.

Aloe vera juice + honey
* Aloe vera gel 1 tbsp. );
* Honey, preheated (2 tbsp.).
The mask should be applied to the face skin for 15 minutes. Then you need to wash it off thoroughly. This mask not only perfectly fights small wrinkles but also allows you to maintain a beautiful complexion. This is one of the most effective masks that help fight the signs of aging skin.
All of these masks should be applied 2 times a week so that the result is noticeable. After all, homemade masks are no less useful than those bought in the store. In order for the skin to continue to maintain a healthy and blooming appearance, you need to take care of it constantly.

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