8 Rules How to take care of a dry hair

Care for dry hair must be gentle, as this type of hair is very sensitive and fragile. -Do not wash your hair daily. Even if you are used to doing this every day, choose a detergent/shampoo with the inscription – “For daily use”. Such products do not contain aggressive cleaning substances that dry the curls…

Care for dry hair must be gentle, as this type of hair is very sensitive and fragile.

-Do not wash your hair daily. Even if you are used to doing this every day, choose a detergent/shampoo with the inscription – “For daily use”. Such products do not contain aggressive cleaning substances that dry the curls pretty much.
-Also is better to choose the shampoo – “For very dry hair” or for damage. Such washing cosmetics also take good care of the hair and have a moisturizing effect that dried strands need so much.
– To wash your hair, it is better to set up warm, almost room-temperature water. Hot can aggravate the problem and cause the formation of split ends.
– After washing your hair with shampoo for dry hair, it is mandatory to apply a conditioner. The best solution would be both shampoo and balm from the same line, as a rule, they complement each other.

It is important to apply homemade masks for dry hair twice a week before washing your hair. They deeply nourish, restore the water balance and integrity of the hair shaft, and make the roots stronger.
– If preparing masks too lazy to restore dry hair, apply a one-component fatty mask for dry hair consisting of a single oil, which is available (castor, coconut, vegetable, olive, etc.).
– after washing your hair do not RUB your head with the towel, enough to wrap in a turban, so any excess water is left in the fabric.

Combs and Hairdryer for Dry hair

-Combing: try to find a comb with rare teeth, this will minimize damage.
Speaking of combs, in the arsenal of every beauty there should be combs made of natural materials: wooden, bone or horn. It is important to wash them thoroughly once every seven days.

– Dry and brittle dry hair is forbidden to dry with a hairdryer, except in situations where it is impossible to do without it. If blow-drying is an indispensable daily ritual – go to the store and buy one that has a gentle cool mode, this will protect weakened curls from overheating and loss of precious moisture. If you have not found a cold hairdryer, follow the basic rules for drying this type of hair: the distance between the hairdryer and the strand should be at least 30 centimeters, move it from top to bottom, and not vice versa, otherwise, you can provoke and aggravate the situation of thin hair and dry tips. Also, it is not necessary to keep the hot jet in one place for a long time, the hot stream must constantly move.

It is good to use hot masks for better nutrition and hydration of the hair

Coloring Dry hair

For gentle coloring, it is recommended to choose colors lighter or darker than natural by 1-2 tones, no more. For the treatment of dry hair, it is very useful to cut the split ends monthly, this renews the rod, improves the appearance of the hair, prevents further strong delamination
For this type of hair, there is a great need for regular moisture for the nutrition of strands. If your hair has become dry— you also have to drink more water and moisturize the hair itself with auxiliary cosmetics. The reason for drying out the strands is also the weather, try to protect the scalp from ultraviolet radiation in summer and frosty air in winter.

The hair cosmetics market is full of various sprays. They contribute to better combing, protecting curls from injury, and covering each rod with a protective invisible layer preserving moisture and shine. Recipes for dry hair provide not only external effects in the form of moisturizing dry hair but also internal ones. Go over your diet, it should contain vitamin A. Eat more vegetables and fruits.

As noted earlier, it is important to regularly apply a mask to dry hair to nourish and moisturize them. Do this regularly, preferably in courses. It is worth giving preference to mixtures made with your own hands at home.

Never forget that dry hair really needs regular care and particular treatment, if you do it on a regular basis you will enjoy wonderful results.

If you want to read more about Hair Masks for Different Hair types go here

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