
14 tricks that will help you find your perfect perfume

It may seem surprising, but before you go to the store for the perfume of your dreams, you should prepare it at home. Surely you already know which flavors you prefer: citrus or fruit, musky or powdery, etc. First of all, you choose a fragrance, not a beautiful bottle or packaging. The “same” smell can…

It may seem surprising, but before you go to the store for the perfume of your dreams, you should prepare it at home. Surely you already know which flavors you prefer: citrus or fruit, musky or powdery, etc.

First of all, you choose a fragrance, not a beautiful bottle or packaging. The “same” smell can hide in a completely banal and boring bottle.
* Come to the store alone: so, you will not be in a hurry and will be able to choose a perfume that is close to you, and not to someone else.
• Do not choose a perfume in a hurry or after a hard day, go on a search in a good mood and a light head.
• If you have tried 3-4 flavors, but you did not like any of them, it is better to continue the search another day, because your nose is already tired and you will not be able to appreciate the following compositions.
* If you want to try an unfamiliar fragrance, first of all, apply it to a paper blotter. Inhaling perfume from the lid or sprinkling it in the air and plunging it into a fragrant cloud is pointless.
* Did you like the perfume? Great, now apply it on your wrist and wait a bit. The composition will open gradually, on “cold” skin it happens slower than on “hot”.

Why the wrist? There is a pulse beating there, which means that the fragrance will open up better, besides, far enough away from the nose, you will not have time to adapt to the composition and will be able to “figure it out” better.
* To refresh yourself is much more effective to drink cold water or breathe fresh air.
• After you have walked for a while with the fragrance, you can finally decide to choose it or not. The one that does not cause unpleasant sensations, dizziness, and, most importantly, you like is suitable.
Last but not the least, the stability of the perfume composition is affected by the concentration of aromatic compounds. The higher it is, the richer the perfume is and the longer it will be felt on the skin.

Eau fraîche: concentration – 1-3%, durability – less than 2 hours;
* Eau de Cologne: concentration – 2-4%, durability – up to 2 hours;
* Eau de Toilette: concentration – 5-15%, durability – up to 4 hours;
* Eau de Parfum: concentration – 15-20%, durability – up to 5-6 hours;
* Parfum: concentration – 20-30%, durability – up to 10 hours.

Durability also depends on the notes contained in the composition. Flavours usually include 3 components.
The top notes are what we hear first of all when getting acquainted with the fragrance. These are citrus, fresh notes. Their durability usually does not exceed an hour.
The notes of the heart are how the fragrance unfolds. Here you can find fruit, water, floral notes.
Base notes – they determine the durability and trail of the fragrance. These are woody, powdery, amber notes.
For citrus and fresh flavours, a lighter-sounding base is chosen. Therefore, the fresher your fragrance is, the less its durability will be, and vice versa.

How to apply perfume correctly

* As the fragrance evaporates, it rises from the bottom up. It is best to apply it to the bends of the knees, elbows, wrists, ankles. If you are used to sprinkling perfume on your neck, apply it to the carotid artery area.
* To make the fragrance last longer, it is better to moisturize the skin before applying. A lotion from the same line as a perfume is ideal, but any other fragrance-free moisturizer it’s ok too.
• If you apply perfume on your wrists, they really shouldn’t be rubbed. However, not because the composition “collapses”, but because of the temperature of the skin increases and the evaporation of perfume along with it.
• And most importantly: the volume of the poured perfume does not affect the durability in any way, but it strongly repels others.

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