
10 Products: what should I eat to strengthen the nail plate?

Beautiful nails are one of the components of a successful image of a woman. The male sex will definitely appreciate and note the well-groomed female nail, a neat manicure, and a healthy look of nails. In order for the nail plate not to be layered and have a healthy appearance, it is necessary to use…

Beautiful nails are one of the components of a successful image of a woman. The male sex will definitely appreciate and note the well-groomed female nail, a neat manicure, and a healthy look of nails. In order for the nail plate not to be layered and have a healthy appearance, it is necessary to use nail products that give them strength and durability.
If you care about the beauty and health of your nails, pay attention to the products of your diet. Optimal is a balanced and full-fledged diet, with the presence of all the vitamins and minerals necessary for the health of nails.

For example, it is worth eating food containing vitamin A, which helps strengthen nails. These can be:
* Broccoli (cabbage improves the condition of nails, contains useful micro and macro elements and other useful substances);
* Chicken eggs (The eggs contain biotin, which is able to increase the transparency and elasticity of the nail plate, as well as strengthen it during delamination);
* Carrots (contains iron that strengthens nails);
* Almonds, walnuts (thanks to manganese, selenium, and copper strengthen the structure of the nail, making it stronger).

In addition, vitamin A is present in fish, liver, spinach, milk, and red vegetables. Eat flounder, the meat of this fish improves the condition of nails. Fish contains minerals and trace elements, vitamin B12 and Omega-3 amino acids, which positively affect the health of nails.
Pay attention to the products that contain vitamin B, these are poultry liver, porcini mushrooms, brewer’s yeast, as well as sunflower seeds. Vitamin C will also help strengthen nails, so add more citrus fruits, apples, sea buckthorn berries, spinach, parsley to the diet.
Products such as figs, fish, dried fruits, molasses will support the health of nails. Lean beef, cashew nuts, cheese, shrimp can be added to the food, such products contain a large amount of zinc.
Such an element as selenium is useful for nails. It is found in tomatoes, mushrooms, garlic, onions, black bread. With a lack of selenium in the body, it is necessary to eat beef, duck, chicken liver, herring, shrimp, sea salt. Selenium is also present in seafood such as squid, crabs, and lobsters.

The list of “nail products” can include iodine-rich food, it will participate in strengthening the nail, prevent peeling. What exactly ? These are sea fish and oysters, iodized salt and seaweed, as well as spinach and watercress.
The health of nails depends on whether the necessary amount of animal protein, magnesium, and calcium gets into our body. To avoid deterioration of the nail, you need to add bananas and milk to your food.

Of course, it is worth mentioning such a trace element as calcium, its deficiency will also seriously affect the health of the nail plate, it will become brittle. If you want to replenish calcium reserves in the body, eat sesame products, poppy seeds. Add almonds and hazelnuts to the diet. Calcium is present in dried fruits, milk, fish, cottage cheese, bread with bran.  There is a small amount of calcium in cereals and beets. But remember that calcium is not friendly with salt, it simply washes it out of the body. In this case, you should limit yourself to eating fried, spicy, and salty dishes.

The trace element fluorine is involved in maintaining the strength of nails, preventing breakage. Fluoride is a part of walnuts, shrimps, it can be found in green and black teas, in fruits such as apples and grapefruits. It is present in the liver, chicken eggs, onions. True, the human body does not absorb fluoride from food very well. But here drinking water can come to the rescue, a large amount of fluoride (about 70 percent) a person can get from it.
As you can see, the above products for nails are delicious, nutritious, quite diverse, these are meat, seafood, nuts, and dried fruits, in general, everyone will find something to their taste and preferences, and most importantly, thanks to the consumption of the right products, they will maintain the condition of nails.

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